Social Security COLA for 2017 is VERY Small

On October 18 the Social Security Administration announced a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) of 0.3% for 2017.  Aside from the three years in which there was no COLA (2010, 2011, and 2016), this is by far the smallest percentage COLA since these automatic increases were first introduced in 1975.

How does this translate into extra dollars? It amounts to a $3 monthly increase for every $1,000 of monthly benefits. So if you’re receiving a monthly benefit amount of $2,000, you would expect a gross benefit increase of $6.  The COLA takes effect beginning with December 2016 benefits, which are payable in January 2017.

But don’t spend it all in one place: if you are paying Medicare Part B premiums it is quite likely that the entire COLA increase, and possibly more, will be consumed by higher Part B premiums. We will know more when Medicare releases its premium schedules for 2017.

The real impact of this miniscule COLA will be felt in other areas that, while not affected by the size of the COLA percentage increase, depend on the declaration of a COLA of any size to trigger a change.  Here are some of the affected numbers:

Social Security Contribution and Benefit Base.  Also known as the “taxable wage base,” the ceiling on earnings subject to Social Security taxes grew to $118,500 in 2015, and remained at that level in 2016 because there was no COLA in 2016, and the wage base cannot increase unless there is a COLA declared for a particular year.

The 0.3% COLA for 2017 has allowed the wage base to spike upward, based on a formula that tracks the National Average Wage Index.  In 2017 that ceiling has been raised to $127,200 – the largest year-over-year dollar increase in the history of Social Security.  Translation: if your earnings as an employee are at or above the new wage base you will pay $539 more in Social Security taxes than you would have paid in 2016 with identical earnings.

Social Security Earnings Test.  In 2016, the “exempt amount” under the Earnings Test was $15,720; in 2017 the exemption increases to $16,920.

Credits or Quarters of Coverage.  40 credits are needed to qualify to receive retirement benefits under one’s own record.  In 2016, a credit required earnings of $1,260; in 2017, $1,300 of earnings is required to accumulate a credit.

Maximum Primary Insurance Amount.  The highest possible benefit for a person retiring in 2016 at Full Retirement Age was $2,639, which was down from $2,663 the previous year.  The maximum benefit for someone retiring at FRA in 2017 is $2,687.

Peter M. Weinbaum, JD

Need Social Security Advice? Don’t Look to SSA!

The stated mission of the Social Security Administration (SSA) is to “Deliver Social Security services that meet the changing needs of the public.” While that is a nice thought, it often seems as though SSA’s primary objective is to get people to begin benefits as early as possible without regard to the long term impact that early claiming might have. Here’s what I mean. (more…)

When to Take Your First Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)

Although RMDs are outside my area of expertise, thoughts about beginning Social Security benefits at age 70 are often accompanied by musings about the need to do something about IRAs and other qualified retirement accumulations around age 70½. Recently I had occasion to help a Social Security client consider some of the issues related to the timing of his first RMD. (more…)

Now That File and Suspend is Gone, What is Left?

With all the media attention centered on the demise of file and suspend, you might have gotten the idea that it no longer matters what you do regarding Social Security claiming decisions.  Not true!  File and suspend was utilized by a surprisingly narrow range of Social Security claimants, sometimes inappropriately and to a couple’s detriment.  However, it was a very “cool” technique that often made me look like a genius, so I regret that it no longer has a place in the claiming toolkit.  That being said, the particular claiming strategy that you and your spouse choose can still make a substantial difference in the benefit dollars you will collect. (more…)

File and Suspend Deadline Looms – Confusion Reigns


Since the enactment of the Bipartisan Budget Bill of 2015, much has been made in the public media of the imminent demise (on April 30, 2016) of the popular file and suspend technique.  Meanwhile, the SSA was busy trying to wrap its bureaucratic head around the new regime and had little to say on the matter until well into February.  For the most part, what all of this publicity has produced is CONFUSION!

The following email I received is a perfect example:

“I will turn 66 in June; my husband has already started taking his benefits.  I was planning to take spousal benefits and wait till 70 to take mine, but the law has changed and my birthday is about a month after the cutoff date.  This sudden change in the law is distressing and confusing.  What should I do?” (more…)